It’s not necessarily to have a lot of money or opportunities in order to do good deeds. You can just look around and notice the people who may need your help.
That is what this homeless man from London did on a cold January night. The man noticed a young couple, 22-year-old Charlotte Ellis and Taylor Waldon, who were on the street.
The young people missed the last train and had to wait for the next on for about 4 hours, being outside in the bitter cold.
The homeless man walked up to the couple and offered them his coat and blanket with the words: “Take it, it’s cold tonight, and you guys have to wait for a long time.”
The young people gladly accepted his help. After that they all started talking. The homeless man presented himself as Joey and the couple invited him to their house.
First Joey thought that the young people were just joking. But they insisted on that refusing to leave without their new friend.
Joey had a good time as a guest. He took a shower, slept and ate warm homemade food. The couple gave him a phone and new clothes. After 5 days Charlotte and Taylor helped him find a good job.
Friends of Charlotte and Taylor also wanted to help Joey. All together they are trying to recover the man’s documents.
Charlotte shared this story on her page on the social network. So she wanted to reach the hearts of Internet users: “All that he needed was a little faith in him. You should consider people bad just because of the fact that they were on the street. They are just like you and me.”
Perhaps, because of this history people will realize how easy it is to make a good deed that will significantly change someone’s life.
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