Jim Cummings is a famous actor who voiced Winnie the Pooh. The man calls sick children and talks to them with the voice of their beloved character. Thus Jim is trying to support children undergoing serious treatments.

In Germany there are special fences that prevent migratory frogs from falling under the wheels of cars on the roads. Some fences lead to special tunnels through which frogs can safely cross the road.

Liechtenstein is a tiny state. In 1868 80 soldiers from Liechtenstein went to war. However 81 returned back. It turned out that during the war they became friends with Italian soldier, who decided to leave his country and move to Liechtenstein.

Billie Joel is an American musician. Before his concerts he never was selling tickets for the first row. The musician was distributing them to the people who were not able to buy tickets themselves due to financial difficulties.

Johan Eliasch is a Swedish millionaire. In 2005 he bought with his own money 2000 square kilometers of rain forests in Brazil and turned them into a reserve. Thus he saved nature from destruction.

In 1977 a group of 9 women created a secret community. They were getting up at 4 am and were baking pies, and then they were handing them out to the needy. The women had to get up so early that no family member would know about their occupation.

Young Anthony Smith from Salem, USA, has been wearing a hearing aid for 4 years. For this reason, the boy developed psychological problems. After hearing the story of Anthony, Marvel Studio created a new superhero – Blue Ear. A copy of the comic with a new character was delivered the boy’s mother. The boy was infinitely happy.

Since 1995 members of this biker club have been accompanying victims to court. Moreover they provide emotional support to the people who must testify in court against their abusers. The bikers also bring home children who are bullied at school.

Harris Rosen is an American millionaire, founder of Rosen Hotels & Resorts. The man took the whole district under his care in Florida and pays for all poor students in college. He also gave young children the opportunity to attend kindergarten and elementary school. As a result the level of education in the district increased from 25% to 100%, while crime decreased by half.

On their 18th birthday all Italians receive an unusual gift from the state. They are given the opportunity to spend 500 euros visiting museums, performances and other cultural events. Thus the state teaches Italians to love art.

Some Russian and Swedish blood transfusion centers send out messages like this to donors: “Thank you! The blood you donated on January 13, 2015, just saved the life of a patient. Gratefully, Blood Center.” Thanks to such reports donors understand that their actions were not in vain.
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