I never had any expectation that the Trump Justice (sic) Department would investigate the Obama DOJ, FBI, and CIA officials who commited felonies while creating the Russiagate hoax that was intended to drive President Trump from office. The Washington Establishment never lowers the boom on its own.
Attorney General William Barr and US Attorney John Durham are establishment figures. So are the alleged targets of their investigation. But Trump is not an establishment figure. He challenged the establishment openly in his inaugeration speech, and the establishment has been after him ever since.
The alleged investigation by Durham has been going on far too long to be anything but a sham. An indictment of senior Obama officials would hurt the Democrat’s chance in four months to remove Trump from the scene. The two political parties are both creatures of the establishment, and the establishment wants Trump gone.
Moreover, there is no point to the Durham investigation. The crimes commited by the Obama officials are well known. The evidence against them has been available for a long time. But it is unlikely to ever result in indictments.
This concerns Senator Chuck Grassley. And it should. Once high officials abuse power and commit felonies in order to frame the President of the United States and get away with it, you can kiss good-bye any possibility of the government ever being held accountable or restrained by law or Constitution.
Conservatives think the problem is a double standard that favors Democrats and works against Republicans. The problem is entirely different. Trump underestimated the power of the establishment and went against them on bringing American jobs home, immigration, and normal relations with Russia. The establishment doesn’t want the jobs home—they cost too much here. The establishment wants immigration, which is almost entirely people of color, because it introduces conflict and prevents the people from uniting against the establishlment. The establishlment wants tensions with Russia; otherwise there is no enemy to justify the massive power, constitutional erosion, budget, and profits of the military/security complex.
I predicted accurately that Trump would fall into the hands of advisers who would staff him with an establishment government that would prevent change.
I do not know whether four years of all-out-assault on President Trump by the presstitute media and his inability to deliver to those who elected him have deprived him of re-election. Whether he is re-eleted or not, we will not see another president after Trump attempt to put the people before the establishment. Not only has Trump made clear to future candidates the high cost of displeasing the establishment, but also the population is too divided to provide a president with a political base. Not even the 60% white population, which has been turned into second class citizens and placed under racial threat, can unite. What is to stop the United States from crossing the line from democracy into tyranny?