Since 2016 the United States has been in the Russiagate box, a hoax created by the US military/security complex to prevent President Trump from normalizing relations with Russia. Normalized relations would devalue THE RUSSIAN THREAT, an orchestration that protects the $1,000 billion annual budget of the military/security complex.
The Democratic Party, which most certainly is not democratic, supported the hoax hoping to do Trump in for their own reasons and pulled the presstitute media into the conspiracy against Trump.
Now that all the assurances from the Establishment that Trump was a traitor to America who conspired with Russian President Putin to steal the election from the killer-bitch in order that America could serve Russian interests have been exposed as lies by the Mueller report, American attention is free to take up some other nonsensical campaign. The succession of these stupidities is destroying America’s reputation.
True, some of the most crazed of the Democrats and media whores cannot let go of Russiagate. The presstitutes are saying that Trump would be impeached for his non-crime except the unworthy Democrats had rather go back to the business of spending other people’s money. A crazed professor or two have declared that Mueller was part of the “Trump coverup” and that Mueller needs to be investigated. But these claims simply underline that the United States wasted three years of its existence.
Meanwhile, other countries moved on. The Russians, for example, discovered that Washington’s sanctions had a silver lining. Russia became more self-sufficient economically and moved out of the box of being an exporter of raw materials to the West, a box into which the Americans and the American-brainwashed Russian economics profession had put the Russian government.
The fulminations and threats from Washington against Russia brought forth new Russian weapon systems for which the US has no match or defense, weapons that demote the US to a second-rate military power.
On an adjusted basis, China now has the world’s largest economy and increasingly ignores Washington’s blustering. As does Iran.
Even Venezuela stands up to Washington.
The world is concluding that Washington is not the power it thinks it is.
Washington’s abuse of its reserve currency role and violations of international law have encouraged a movement away from the use of the dollar in international transactions. This is perhaps even a more serious threat to Washington’s power than Russia’s superior military capabilities.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt was happy to see World War II because he understood that it would leave Britain bankrupt and without an empire. Roosevelt understood that the gain would be America’s, because the US would take over the reserve currency role. The reason this is important is that the reserve currency country can pay its bills by printing money. Thus, the government has no budget constraints.
For a country as indebted as America, to lose this role would be a crushing blow. It is this blow that Washington faces as a result of its idiotic policy of sanctions and disrespect of international law.
And there is another blow. Just as the Roman Empire fell to invaders who crossed the frontiers of the empire, so is Washington’s empire falling. Europe, the crown jewel of the empire, is now overrun with millions of unassimilable peoples to the extent that Europe is no longer European. The President of the US has so far been powerless to defend the borders of the United States. Indeed, the Democratic Party and the presstitute media are totally opposed to any defense of American borders. Why does a government unwilling to defend its borders spend $1,000 billion annually on defense?
The American Neoconservative Zionists, who have controlled US foreign policy in Israel’s interest since the Clinton regime, continue to operate as if we still live in an unipolar world. For some reason the National Security Advisor to President Trump has poor sources of information. He speaks as if he rules the world, but even Washington’s pathetic European vassals did not go along with Trump’s gift of the Syrian Golan Heights to Israel.
As for moral authority, after, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Yeman, Ukraine, Honduras, and now Venezuela, all moral authority has vacated the West.
Washington is not only losing its economic and military power but also its soft power that rested in Washington’s propaganda about making the world safe for democracy. Democracy is not even safe in the United States as Democrats and the presstitutes have done their best to overturn democracy and to drive the elected president from office, which is precisely what the Trump regime is trying to do to Venezuela.
All of the lies and propaganda that have portrayed the West as God’s gift to humanity have fallen away as the result of Washington’s irresponsible use of power, leaving the West morally naked.
The world no longer thinks that the West is something to look up to and to emulate. Instead, the world sees a great evil, in the words of Matt Taibbi, “a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money.”
A great promise was betrayed by those trusted with the promise. A government accountable to law and to the people requires a united people, not the disunity of multiculturalism and Identity Politics. With the indigenous ethnic base of all of the Western countries under attack as “white supremacists,” the West can no longer defend its culture from the immigrants who do not share the culture.
The tension between an indigenous culture and imported cultures can be seen in the tensions between Hungary and the EU and Italy and the EU. Hungary has refused to accept its quota of non-European immigrants and faces punishment by the EU. In Italy the government is in the hands of a coalition of leftwing and rightwing parties that are united in their opposition to the EU and non-European immigration. In Europe the situation is one in which the EU government, as well as the governments of member states such as France and Germany, have taken the side of immigrants against the indigenous people. In other words, the governments of Europe are not committed to their own cultures. This is the unmistakable sign of a dead culture.
In the United States there is so much disunity that to call the states united is a misuse of words. Hillary voters hate Trump voters, and vice versa. The presstitute media and universities are uniformly anti-white.
Countries without unity are not strong. Consequently, the Western world is losing its leadership of the world.
Of course, the rest of the world also suffers from disunity. The Sunni and the Shiites cannot unite, with the consequence that the Muslim world is weak. The tribes in Africa cannot unite. India and Pakistan stay at each other’s throats. Animosities exist among Asians. Russia herself is a federation. China has a Muslim province. But the disunities are different from those in the West. Japan and China have differences but the population of Japan is homogeneous and China largely is. Arabs are Arabs whether Sunni or Shiite. The Russian Federation is the remains of an old empire, largely assimilated, not the result of recent immigrations.
The consequence of disunity perhaps precludes any leadership. But the collapse of the West into diversity and multiculturalism definitely means that Western leadership has been lost to the weakness of disunity.
Is it chaos that awaits?
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