The Chairman of Sweden’s automobile production Company, Volvo, says that immigrant crime imported into Sweden by the Swedish government is so high that Volvo might have to move out of Sweden in order to conduct its business.
His factual acknowledgement of the crime that the treasonous Swedish government, a collection of some of the most evil and stupid people on earth, has committed against Sweden could lead to the indictment of the Swedish Chairman of Volvo as a “racist.”
This is not a far-fetched supposition. My column, which is read internationally, brings me emails from Swedish women who say that if they report their rape by dark-skinned “immigrants” unleashed on the Swedish population by a treasonous government, they risk being prosecuted, because a protest against an immigrant is regarded as a hate crime. Throughout the Western World, third world immigrants have power over the ethnic populations that “host” them. The entirety of the Western World is ceasing to exist as countries dissolve into preferential treatment for invaders.
Volvo Chairman says company might have to move out of Sweden as crime is so high.
Notice that political correctness has found its way into RT’s report, which does not mention that migrant invaders are the source of the exploding crime rate. RT has to comply with Washington’s orders or be banned from reporting in America.
Watch the 9 minute video here on the extreme lengths to which political correctness has been taken in Sweden.
Information on the migrant invader crime wave.
Swedes are so brainwashed by multiculturalism they are unable to come to grips with the problem.
Swedish police officer speaks the truth about migrant invader crime and is—you guessed it—investigated by the police.
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