I was born in the spring of 1939. I was a few days shy of 5 months old when Germany invaded Poland on September 1. The British and French governments responded to the invasion by declaring war on Germany, thus initiating World War II.
Germany always gets the blame. Germany’s invasion of Poland is always said to be the event that triggered World War II, never the British and French declaration of war on Germany. This is because the victors write the history.
The British, French, and Americans were victors only because the Soviet Red Army defeated the Wehrmacht, possibly the finest army ever in existence. The Soviets prevailed through sheer numbers and in weapons production capability far beyond Germany’s capability. After reading Viktor Surorov’s book, The Real Culprit, I don’t believe Stalin had any need of war supplies from the West. The Normady invasion did not take place until June 6, 1944, after the Red Army had been fighting the Wehrmacht for three years since June 1941.
Hitler was putting Germany back together from its dismemberment by the Versailles Treaty. Only the German people and territory under Polish rule remained to be returned. For reasons that make no sense, the British government interfered in the German-Polish negotiations and caused the Polish military government to break off the negotiations. The result was the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact that divided Poland between Germany and the Soviet Union. Hitler had a claim to German territory. The Soviets had no claim to the Polish territory seized by the Red Army, but the British and French limited their objection to the invasion of Poland by Germany.
It was the mindless British “guarantee” to Poland that caused World War II. In its absence the Polish government would have come to terms with Germany. Hitler did not want war with Britain and France, much less with the US. These were events forced on Germany. After the swift German defeat of the British and French armies, Hitler offered Britain peace with German military guarantees to protect the British Empire, but Churchill kept the peace offer secret and refused.
Churchill continued to refuse German offers of peace, and some historians concluded that the reason Hitler attacked the Soviet Union was because of Hitler’s belief that Churchill was holding out with the expectation that Russia would come into the war on the British and French side. Therefore, Hitler decided that he would remove that British hope by overrunning Russia. Suvorov says Hitler knew that Stalin was about to attack Germany, but David Irving’s histories have not uncovered evidence to support Suvorov’s claim that Hitler knew of a planned Soviet attack. Neither side seemed to know of the other side’s intention.
Had it not been for an early Russian winter, Hitler might have succeeded in knocking out the Soviet Union. The early winter stopped the German advance and gave the Red Army time to recover and organize.
I am writing this as background to the world I grew up in. World War II did not harm the US. It did America well. The war brought the US out of the decade-long economic depression and left the US as the world power with the reserve currency.
US military deaths from both fronts—Japan and Germany—totalled 416,000, a number almost matched by Britain, a much smaller country and population, and exceeded by tiny Yugoslavia with 446,000 military deaths. In contrast, German military deaths totaled 4,300,000 plus an underestimate of 500,000 civilian war deaths from the British and American policy of targeting German civilian populations with bombing raids on residential areas. The defeat of Germany was achieved by the Soviet Union with a miminum of 10,000,000 military deaths and between 24,000,000 and 26,000,000 civilian and military deaths.
I grew up in halcyon days. In those days a person did not have to be brilliant or have ruling class connections in order to succeed. This fact seperated America from the rest of the world in popular opinion. Americans lived in a land of opportunity. And it was true, not make believe.
In Atlanta, Georgia, 5-year olds could walk alone or with neighborhood classmates a mile to school and a mile to home without being molested or kidnapped. Boys could have fights on the playground without being arrested. Parents together with teachers dealt with problems, which were few. Teachers were outstanding. There was no such thing as education degrees. Teachers had degrees in English or other languages, mathematics, chemistry, physics, history. They were people who loved their subjects and conveyed that to students.
Misbehavior, which was rare, was dealt with a note home that had to be signed by a parent and returned the next day. The last thing any of us wanted was a note home. There was no CPS we could call to complain of being punished for our misdeeds.
We got along well with black Americans. They were part of even lower middle class white households. In those days labor saving machines were unknown. Clothes were washed by hand and hung on clothes lines to dry. Meals were cooked from scratch with real ingredients. If mother was not present, Carrie was the boss, not us “white privileged.” Carrie dined with us at the table, and if Carrie encountered a financial problem she couldn’t handle, my parents and her other day employers would pool our scant resources to help her.
I grew up in Atlanta, Georgia, with no fear or hatred of black Americans. This is no longer the case in Atlanta. Many white Atlantans are fleeing the city.
It is not only the relations between the races that have deteriorated. Everything has. America today bears no relationship to the American world that I grew up in. Of course, today the reply will be that I grew up in “white privilege.” But actually, I grew up in a community in which people and genders had different roles, and a person was judged by performance. Performance included moral behavior. If you were a moral person who did a good job and your word was true, you were respected. Period.
Today if you aren’t a “woke” person who objects to gender pronouns and you don’t believe that the white working class are “systemic racists,” you are deplatformed and cancelled. White people are now demonized by other white people, and the demonized are not permitted to object. Any “person of color” can destroy any boss, fellow employee, university professor or dean by claiming to be “offended.”
In America today there are very few free people. Only those not dependent on employment and media approval are free. Even the few free Americans are in jeopardy as the expession of dissent is being defined by the Biden regime as domestic terrorism.
The media speaks with one voice, and the voice is one of denunciation of all who challenge the ruling narratives. In America today media protect the mistakes and avariciousness of medical bureaucrats allied with Big Pharma, and the media shield Establishment narratives from scientific experts who are silenced by being denied a forum. Consequently, the pubic is informed only by self-serving propaganda that enriches material interests and increases government power over citizens.
The consequences are varied and disastrous. With Covid there have been needless lockdowns that have destroyed businesses and individuals. In foreign policy antagonisms have been created that could lead to disastrous wars with Iran, China, and Russia. The focus of the Biden regime on defining Trump supporters, all 90 million American voters, as domestic terrorists implies a civil war.
What I find most discouraging about America is that after all the proven deceptions Americans have endured—the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the assassination of Robert Kennedy, the assassination of Martin Luther King, the assassination of foreign leaders who refused to toe Washington’ line, the Vietnam War, 9/11, Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass deception, Assays’s use of chemical weapons, Iranian nukes, Russiagate, Russian invasion of Ukraine, the 2020 election, Trump insurrection at the Capitol—the list goes on forever—Americans continue to sit in front of CNN and the rest, listen to NPR, and read the New York Times or Washington Post and, thereby, continue to accommodate the ruling Establishment by consenting to being brainwashed. A people this insouciant has no possbility of survival.
A bainwashed America, a brainwashed Western World, are not homes for freedom.
On this website, I attempt to make you aware. In contrast to the media, I give you good information about the subjects I explain. Go back and compare what I told you compared with what the media told you.
Consider, for example, my Covid reporting. I told you how to protect yourself. I told you what the cures are if you are infected with a serious case. I told you the masks are not protective unless they are rated N95.
This is valuable information. This website is valuable for everyone. Every person on earth is unique. We should respect every one until they give us reason not to respect them. The people in Western governments seem to be the least respectable. They lie the most, and the presstitutes cover for them. Only those who speak truth are attacked.
Think about your sources of information. I mean real information, not that which agrees with your biases. Do you have better sources than this website?
Does it keep you informed? Does it make you think?
If so, you owe it your support.