You do not have a cat yet, but you plan to get such a pet, right? Of course, you consider all details: how much of your time, money and effort will a cat need. What will you get in return? – cute creature that will greet you after a hard working day and give you warmth and devotion. But that’s not all! Cats are simply irreplaceable in the household! You can trust them important things to do. For example, it’s easy for cats to do the following things for you.

To leave a comment on a social network, while you are busy on the kitchen.

То straighten up things in your chest.

To make sure that milk won’t run away from the pan.

To do work out with you.

To check water quality in your home.

To check the integrity of your bicycle tires.

To take care of indoor plants.

To watch scary film with you in the evening.

To play in volleyball with you.

To catch a mouse in your house with ease.

To wash the dirty dishes in your house.

To take the best poolside for you.

To fix a broken faucet.

To get a taxi for you.

To be the best friend for your child.

To tune your favorite guitar.

To teach your dog to behave properly at the table.

To watch over your neighbors so they don’t steal raspberries from your garden.

To clean up the bathroom.

To watch over your child on the playground.

To discuss the trends of the new season with you.

To gather firewood for a family picnic.

To protect your laptop from dust.

To help you to get up early in the morning.

To always shake you hands.
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